She turned 8…
every year I make her something for her birthday,
for her first birthday, I made her baby blocks with yarn.
I can’t believe that was 8 years ago.
This year, I wanted to make her a cake video,
she thinks it’s “cool” mommy knows how to use YouTube lol.
I kinda do. I didn’t know what kind of cake to make her,
then her Draw Something obsession started haha. That made it easy.
She plays Draw Something on facebook, she plays Draw Something on the
iphone, she plays Draw Something on the ipad, she plays it every where!!
She is addicted to Draw Something! lol.
Every morning I love asking her,
“How long have you been in my life?”
She’ll reply,
And I’ll say,
“How long have I been in your life?”
She’ll laugh and say,
And I’ll say,
“What a coincidence!”
and then we’ll both laugh our heads off,
we’ve been doing this since she was 3 years old,
she still finds it funny.
Fondant Decorating: How to Paint on Fondant with Edible Ink
Hey everyone,
This video was the very first time I tried recording myself making a cake, I was so excited to try video editing, but I thought I accidently deleted the file on my computer so I never uploaded this video. I recently found it on my computer so here it is!!
Tips on painting on fondant with edible ink:
– mix with vodka instead of water for faster drying
-if the cake will be served to children, instead of vodka, you can use lemon extract
-give the fondant some time to dry first, so when you paint on it, the brush will glide like you’re
painting on paper (I like letting the fondant dry over night)
-if you’re afraid to make any mistakes (you can’t correct mistakes on painted fondant!), you can use
pins to mark where you plan to paint on, or use edible markers to draw an outline
-I like to mix my edible ink to get the custom colours I want, don’t restrict yourself to the primary and secondary colours only!
-I like to stand to paint on my cakes, when you sit, you tend to want to lean your hand onto the cake (can’t touch the cake!)
-buy a pallette from any art store, it’s very helpful!
-instead of buying brushes from cake stores, I buy my brushes from art stores, they are WAY better quality, a lot cheaper, and way more variety to choose from (I bought a cake decorating brush set, it’s really the same thing as art store brushes, except the quality sucked.. I soaked it in water for cleaning and the handle broke in half lol)
Anyways, I hope these tips help. I remember googling and reading cake books for “Painting on Fondant Tips”, and I didn’t find them that helpful. My tips are from mistakes I’ve made painting on fondant the first few times. Goodluck!
Fondant Decorating: How to Paint on Fondant with Edible Ink
Hey everyone,
This video was the very first time I tried recording myself making a cake, I was so excited to try video editing, but I thought I accidently deleted the file on my computer so I never uploaded this video. I recently found it on my computer so here it is!!
Tips on painting on fondant with edible ink:
– mix with vodka instead of water for faster drying
-if the cake will be served to children, instead of vodka, you can use lemon extract
-give the fondant some time to dry first, so when you paint on it, the brush will glide like you’re
painting on paper (I like letting the fondant dry over night)
-if you’re afraid to make any mistakes (you can’t correct mistakes on painted fondant!), you can use
pins to mark where you plan to paint on, or use edible markers to draw an outline
-I like to mix my edible ink to get the custom colours I want, don’t restrict yourself to the primary and secondary colours only!
-I like to stand to paint on my cakes, when you sit, you tend to want to lean your hand onto the cake (can’t touch the cake!)
-buy a pallette from any art store, it’s very helpful!
-instead of buying brushes from cake stores, I buy my brushes from art stores, they are WAY better quality, a lot cheaper, and way more variety to choose from (I bought a cake decorating brush set, it’s really the same thing as art store brushes, except the quality sucked.. I soaked it in water for cleaning and the handle broke in half lol)
Anyways, I hope these tips help. I remember googling and reading cake books for “Painting on Fondant Tips”, and I didn’t find them that helpful. My tips are from mistakes I’ve made painting on fondant the first few times. Goodluck!
Fondant Decorating: FRUIT NINJA CUPCAKES!
TheCakingGirl on Youtube!
Hey guys!
Long story short, just wanna say “HELLO” from my youtube account 🙂
Fondant Decorating: The Manitobah Mukluks Storyboot Cake!
Hey everyone!
Fittingly held at The Bata Show Museum, the event showcased their new Fall and Winter line. There was food, an awesome DJ, live performances, drinks, photobooth..
and of course.. CAKE!
The event was hosted by Waneek Horn-Miller, a Canadian Olympian.
It was also her birthday so they wanted to surprise her with a Manitobah
Mukluks Storyboot cake.
the POW WOW was held at The Bata Shoe Museum
They requested for a
Limited EditionI got to the party a bit late and they had already cut the cake.
I was really hoping to be there to take pictures of her cutting it.
She went back for a second piece of cake and I asked her if she liked it,
she said it was awesome and how much she loved it,
and I told her I’m glad you do cause I MADE IT!

All her friends gave me a high 5 and she gave me a huge hug.
Nothing’s more rewarding than seeing ppl’s reaction when they see my cakes

The best part of the day…
I had to take my mom to the doctor’s that day scheduled at 3:30pm. The cake had to be
delivered to downtown by 2:30pm so I just had my mom come with me instead of driving
back and forth. I moved out a few years ago, she knew I started making cakes, but had no
idea what I really do with these cakes I made. She had only seen maybe.. five of my cakes at most. This was her first time seeing one of my large size custom cakes, and delivering a cake with me. She came into the museum and asked me why did the museum ask me to make them a cake lol. She saw the event and museum ppl’s reactions. I think my mom realized my passion for making custom cakes and told me some very encouraging words after.
My mom was very proud of me .
Fondant Decorating: SUSHI CUPCAKES!